Thursday, May 03, 2007

God Our Father

I Love God My Father! for today he has saved me from loneliness and sorrow. He raised me up when i couldn't reach him anymore of my own effort. He came to me bring relief of body and soul. He came to me to make my life easier to bear.

I speak like this because for the past two days, i couldn't find the love to love. Even to love myself. I had just got suspended from my job for a day because of excessive mistakes with my work which i thought was so perfectly done in February. These errors haunted me and made my boss angry and very disappointed in me. What made the situation worst was my boss would have gotten into ton loads of trouble if an assessment of our department was done this semester since the institute is becoming accredited. This would have been because of my fault.

This was on Tuesday. That night I cried like a baby. I just didn't know what to do with myself since everything that seemed like my fault. not just work but everything. I need to see Jesus now now. I live not too far from a church which I remembered have whole day adoration. So late in the night around 9.20 I dressed myself and headed down to the church. there I weeped silently restraining my groaning as I addressed Jesus sacramentally present. Couldn't cry as I wanted because I was not alone. After finishing, I was more at ease with my pains.

Yesterday, at home, thinking about my life, God the father came to me. I needed a father so I yielded to his inspiration. I read the Messages from the only known and church approved Apparition of God the Father to Mother Eugenia Elisabetta Raviso?. After reading such a soothing love note to my person, God raised me, urging me to remember my dignity of being called his child. And as his child he deserves the right to serve me. He yearns to be with me in my troubles and rescue me from sadness, because his love cannot stand idle and indifferent while his child suffers. God our Father is the Best of Fathers. He reminded be that my reward for loving him and letting him love me would be great in heaven, and that I would be blessed because I believed without seeing.

These Messages of god entitled "The Father Speaks To His Children" was like drinking icy cold water under desert sun temperatures. It was like my soft comfortable bed after a tiresome day. I was absorbed into the moment of spending time with my father who loves me and do not want me to be afraid.

I encourage everyone to read these messages meant for all of us individually, since in my own estimation, many people do not know of these apparitions, more less, the messages. Its like an undiscovered treasure of riches. A secret that NEEDS TO BE TOLD.

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